spooked now on DVD

Heartbreaking, yet full of hope…. hope for a cure, a cure that many thousand did not find as some of these writings were their last documented words. In respect, honor and memory to the WHS staff and patients, we are proud to present the history behind the haunting, the WAVERLY HILLS BULLETIN!
THIS OFFER IS AVAILABLE ONLY ONLINE NOT IN STORES. CLICK ON THE BEST DEAL ICON ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THIS PAGE AND GET YOUR SPOOKED DVD & WHS BULLETIN TODAY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST BOTH FOR ONLY $19.95 (USA free shipping) International Orders please add $5.00. Mail Orders; Spooked Productions: 17939 Chatsworth Street, #130, Granada Hills, CA 91344 USA. E-mail customer service
IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE SPOOKED DVD, YOU CAN ORDER THE WAVERLY HILLS BULLETIN à la carte $8.00 +s/h. Click on the WHS Bulletin solo icon on the right side of this page.
This copy is an exact copy of the original twenty-six pages Waverly Hills Bulletin that was distributed by the patients of the sanatorium in 1940. Any flaw, ink bleeding fading or upside page inserts is copied from the original publication of how it was printed and distributed. This Bulletin was reproduced with permission from the original owner/s and patient/s of this publication. Any duplication is prohibited without permission of Spooked Productions. 1940 Waverly Hills Bulletin © 2007 Spooked Productions. Watch the sample video offer