Spooked TV is proud to announce its partnership with Vimeo-On-Demand

For Immediate Release: Spooked TV is proud to announce its partnership with Vimeo-On-Demand to bring you all our paranormal titles for streaming or download. Now HD remastered with superior audio and video for the highest quality for your Mobile,TV,Tablet or Computer viewing. Join free at www.vimeo.com to watch Spooked, Spooked The Ghosts Of Waverly Hills Sanatorium www.vimeo.com/ondemand/spooked , Children Of The Grave www.vimeo.com/ondemand/cotg or The Possessed www.vimeo.com/ondemand/thepossessed . Please join our opening night celebration to our new streaming channel with a warm hello by using coupon code "warmhello" at check out and recieve 25% off your 72 hour rental... Enjoy and GET SPOOKED TONIGHT!!! Cheers