SIGNED SOUL CATCHER BOOK LIMITED EDITION releases Earth Day Sunday, April 22 2018

SOUL CATCHER Trail Of Fears- Spooked TV Book Series Volume 3 by Christopher Saint Booth ISBN-13: 978-1984951694 SOUL CATCHER BOOK-LIMITED EDITION(Paperback Book)Autographed & Numbered Back in them old days they didn't know what death was. When they buried them they didn't embalm them, they put them in the ground fast. They died one day and then buried them that evening. That's why they didn't know death. Now, they're still wandering out here today - Mock Tallbear Explore the Native American spirit world in this supernatural adventure that leads to the real Trail of Fears. From the Mojave desert to Oklahoma, hunt the haunted ghost hills for shape-shifters, skin-walkers and the stolen souls of the Soul Catcher. About the Author: Producer and author. Films and books include Dead Still (Syfy), Death Tunnel (Sony Pictures), The Possessed, Spooked, Children Of The Grave (Syfy Channel/NBC Universal), The Exorcist File-Haunted Boy (Redbox), Children Of The Gra...